- Mood boards
- Brand profile
- Colour psychology
- Inspirational Imagery
- Logo
Business Identity Packs
Business Cards, Letterheads & Envelope Designs Part of creating a professional business presence includes using branded stationary such a business cards, letterheads and envelopes. Research suggests that when sending correspondences, using a branded letterhead automatically lets the receiver make a connection to your business, creates brand awareness and makes your contact info always accessible.
Promotional Material
Promotional Material is at the front of delivering messages to your target audience. The purpose of Promotional Material is to convince clients that your businesses services or products are the exactly what they need, enhance the image of your brand, point out and create a need for your products or services, demonstrate new uses for established products, announce new products and programs, draw customers to your business, and to hold existing customers. Some of the tools that we can design include flyers, menus, posters, billboards, mail outs etc.
One of the first designs items that we stylise is your logo. There are many key elements that comprise of the logo from colour schemes, to choice of wording to placement. All these play an important part in branding. We want to evoke the exact emotional response from your clients that you want.